Flexible endoscope:
monitoring of the final rinse-water
(Study note)
How frequently are the tests done?
Total viable count - weekly
Environmental Mycobacteria - quarterly
Pseudomonas aeruginosa - quarterly
What action can be taken if an organism identified?
Pseudomonas spp
Bronchoscopes, cystoscopes and ERCP: Suspend the decontamination of bronchoscopes, cystoscopes and ERCP in the EWD or affected chamber until the full identification of the Pseudomonas is known and do not decontaminate bronchoscopes/cystoscopes/ERCP in affected EWD or chamber until the water quality has been improved (some models of EWD have two sides or chambers that can be operated independently).
GI endoscope: Risk assess the continuation of GI scope decontamination.
Environmental / Non-tuberculous mycobacteria
Bronchoscopes, cystoscopes and ERCP: Suspend the decontamination of bronchoscopes, cystoscopes and ERCP in the affected EWD or chamber until the problem has been resolved.
Review AAFB positive lavage results since previous negative mycobacterial test - look back exercise.
CFU >100cfu (repeated finding)
Investigate the water source;
Involve the EWD manufacturer to assess internal contamination and /or biofilm.
Suspend the use of the EWD until the problem is resolved.
What if the aerobic colony forming unit (CFU) is <100 (in 100mL)?
CFU < 1
Continue using the endoscope as normal.
1 – 9 CFU
Acceptable as a one-off result. The endoscopy list can continue. Monitor the result.
10 – 100 CFU
Take the EWD out of service pending risk assessment and investigations, (It must be remembered that by default the machine will have been operating potentially for a further 5 days since the positive sample was taken).
Gram stain and oxidase test to presumptively identify Pseudomonas. Confirm identification of any oxidase positive Gram-negative organism.
Send for identification if single organism presents or a significant proportion of organisms appears to be from a single species from colonial morphology.
Do ZN stain for any GPB.
Send these results to the Infection control team and Authorising Engineer/ Personnel (Decontamination).An incident team may consider other risk assessment procedures to assess the risk to patients, if the EWD is to be kept in service.
Incident form (IR1).
Run additional self-disinfection cycle on the EWD, or super- chlorination, undertake remedial work on the water distribution system to investigate the problem – e.g., check the purification/filtration system and any internal components on the EWD. Instigate a re-test of the rinse water.
If count is 10-50, and
counts from the previous three weeks’ samples from the AER, have been below 10,
then carry out an additional self-disinfection on the AER,
re-test the rinse water and proceed to use the AER for all scopes.If the count is between 10-50, and
a count from the previous three weeks’ samples, from the AER, have been 10 or above
then carry out an additional self- disinfection on the AER,
re-test the rinse water and
do not use the AER to process bronchoscopes, cystoscopes or duodenoscopes until re-samples show acceptable counts.If the count is 51-100
then carry out an additional self-disinfection on the AER,
re-test the rinse water, and
do not use the AER to process bronchoscopes or cystoscopies until re-tests show acceptable counts.
>100 CFU
EWD should be taken out of service until water quality has improved / issue resolved.
Test and investigate as described in Unsatisfactory/10-100 CFU section.
It is a requirement of BS EN ISO 15883-4:2009 that microbial contaminants of water used for final rinse applications should be maintained consistently below 10cfu/100 ml sampled when tests carried out in accordance with the BS EN ISO 15883 standard. Additionally, samples should be free of Legionella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Environmental mycobacteria.
Multidisciplinary teams should work together to identify the source of the contamination within the final rinse supply.
Incident form (IR1).
Look back exercise
Depending on the identification of organism, levels and persistence of problem consideration should be given to the need for a look back exercise and/or offering antimicrobial prophylaxis to patients who have had endoscopes used in invasive procedures decontaminated in the affected EWD/chamber in the time frame between last negative rinse water test and the positive finding.